Monday, May 7, 2012

Hi y'al!

Hey umm this blog is no longer available.
This is Puteri Adlin updating.
All these things were bullshit, and maybe he didn't care about his blog anymore.
I know this act is pathetic, sounds sad.
Don't tell him about this post please. Let him realize this himself.
I did this because I'm trying to let everything go. Not searching for attentions or sympathizes.
If you don't want to read this, all you have to do is unfollow this blog because it's going to be deleted, or not.

It's already more than a month since the day he officially left me.
I've tried to get over it since he's now happy with someone else.
And most of you have kept track with my tweets, blog posts, and such like that.
And I know some of you have already annoyed with me about this, lol.
But I think there's nobody that can feel this pain.
'The moment you didn't expected that can get someone you like but you really did get them' vs 'The moment you didn't expected that you lost someone you completely love.'
I didn't say that I'll never move on.
I didn't say that I'll die without him.
I want to move on. I am being strong. But it's too hard.
Our relationship was far beyond amazing, until he changed.
Almost everything reminds me of him. If we're still together now, we've been together almost 19 months.
Almost everything. My songs, my journal, even my pets and my porch.
I've experienced my first concert, with him.
It's too hard.
But one day, I'll be strong to get over this.
But I don't know when.
If I had the amount of money, the power, the brain;
I would move out from Shah Alam. From Selangor. Because he is everywhere by now.
I would study hard. I would score shits and get the hell out from this country.
And forget everything.

I hope that one day, he find me back.
Not for anything that involves love or mushy stuffs,
for telling me that he is regret, treating me and dumped me in a harsh and unforgettable way.
And almost everyday, I prayed for him to apologize to the girls that he have been with because for some stupid causes and irrelevant reasons. I felt pity to this one girl, because he have told me why he dated her. He 'used' you, please lah perasan this. If you feel you're the girl and you want to know why, just contact me because I hate this guilty feeling inside me.

No, I don't want to talk bad stuffs about him. I know he did that to me right now.
But I just want him to realize, that he was wasted. Wasted almost everything.

If you're not a heartless person, get this message into your head. :
It's fucking hurts,
to tell your girlfriend/boyfriend when you're going to dump her/him,
that the person you have found after her/his,
is way more better than her/him.
If she/he asked you why she's/he's better than her/him,
better answer that shit carefully.
Even when this happened and you talked to them nicely,
they'll be traumatized. Hurt.
And they also can't forget those words,
and this can affect their next relationship, or they're too hurt to have a relationship.

Or simply stop making promises. Wedding theme colors, how many kids, the 'forever' word.
All of that is bullshit when you're having a relationship when you're immature.
I know it's beautiful, it's sweet and all that.

OR, don't have a relationship.
Think twice when you found someone. Or when you want to have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
If you want one just to make them as your make out buddy, or just to try them;
don't. Why did you guys do that? Just to make em suck your cock or something?

I know 'love' can fade. Even husband and wife can divorce.
But know your limits. Learn how to respect people's feelings. Especially the good one's feelings.
Don't be a jerk. Please. Some people deserve to be loved, not to be crushed until they stop believe that they can't found someone better. Like me.

Sorry for wasting your time reading this. Sorry Rasyid, for hacking your blog. I didn't kutuk kutuk you. But I'm kind of pissed off when you blocked me on Twitter after I unfriend-ed you on Facebook. Coincidence, I guess? You shouldn't be offended if it was because I unfriend you. You filled my news feed with your love towards that Bella girl. I am jealous, because that girl changed you. From the day you started working at the bowling alley. And I'm curious, what did you do with my stuffs eh? Because if you threw all of it away or gave to someone, I'll burn your stuffs. Yes, I still keep your stuffs. And you promised to replace my ring kan? Alaaa the mood ring that you lost in sea when you're on a vacation to Port Dickson. Lol, please don't forget about that kay baby? You're the best, so far. Even after all the things you've did to me. Sorry for everything, thank you for the love and sweet things that you gave for less than a year and some months (idk when you started to 'stop loving' me) and I wish you all the best. I love your mom! Still can contact her. Ok lol bye!